This year for Halloween I decided to dress up as one of my favorite minor Doctor Who characters: Petronella Osgood, the geeky UNIT scientist with a Zygon double. One of Osgood’s outfits includes a scarf similar to Tom Baker’s iconic neckwear but differs in color and knitting style. Being a knitter and a Doctor Who fan, I was excited to make this scarf!
It took a bit of research to find the exact pattern to use for this project. There is an excellent Ravelry project that details many of the differences in Osgood’s scarf. The pattern mostly follows the Doctor Who Season 13 scarf pattern with a few minor adjustments, such as a varying stripe color, single color tassels, and lighter colors.
For my scarf, I used Rowan Wool Pure DK yarn in Damson, Enamel, Tan, Gold, Parsley, Kiss, and Anthracite (note that as of the time of this post, many of these colors are now discontinued). I cast on 66 stitches on a size US 5 needle and knit the entire scarf in a 1×1 rib stitch with a slipped stitch edge. For the tassels, I used 6 strands of a single color for each tassel.
After many months of knitting, I finished the scarf just in time for Halloween. At completion, my scarf was twelve feet eight inches long (excluding the tassels). I’m very pleased with the finished item and I’m looking forward to wearing it more as the weather turns colder!